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History and origin of the Sala family

Similar surnames: Salamone , Sallafranque

See the list of all Sala

Marriages of the Sala family

Our database contains 47 marriages of the Sala family

Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.

1893 Notre-Dame-De-Lourdes, Mb

1940 Notre-Dame-De-Lourdes, Mb

1964 Notre-Dame-De-Lourdes, Mb

1965 Notre-Dame-De-Lourdes, Mb

1972 Notre-Dame-De-Lourdes, Mb

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Marriages of the Sala family

Our database contains 47 marriages of the Sala family

Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.

Year Husband Wife Municipality
1865 Fabrizio Salla Philomene-Victoire Coursol Montreal, Qc
1893 Jean Magne Isabelle Sala Notre-Dame-De-Lourdes, Mb
1908 Clovis Faure Nacia Sala Winnipeg, Mb
1938 Felix Sala Marie-Louise Pelletier Winnipeg, Mb
1940 Charles Sala Martha Reitmeier Notre-Dame-De-Lourdes, Mb
1940 Robert Pratt Josephine Sallah Manchester, Nh
1944 Heroc Sala Marie-Regina Toupin Winnipeg, Mb
1945 Valmore Gervais Yvette Sala Montreal, Qc
1949 Louis Sala Agnes Dufault Winnipeg, Mb
1959 Nicolino Sala Nella Cirelli Ottawa, On
1964 Markossie Salla Rhoda Adloaykok Kangirsuk, Qc
1964 Roger Sala Christiane Bazin Notre-Dame-De-Lourdes, Mb
1964 Jeremial Salla Meana Unarluk Kangirsuk, Qc
1965 Georges Punton Mona Sala Notre-Dame-De-Lourdes, Mb
1968 Joshua Salla Martha Shawk Kangirsuk, Qc
1969 Moses Nouvilinga Annie Salla Kangirsuk, Qc
1971 Harry Sala Maggie Angitookalook Kangirsuk, Qc
1972 Maurice Sala Odette Roch Notre-Dame-De-Lourdes, Mb
1973 Jiadi-Mohamed Salah Helene Belanger Chicoutimi, Qc
1975 Albert Rudnicki Charlotte Sala Notre-Dame-De-Lourdes, Mb

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In addition to marriages we have 110 other documents for the Sala family

Pioneers of the Sala family

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Origin of last name Sala

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Famous personalities of the Sala family

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1 888 868-0005

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3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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1 888 868-0005

P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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