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History and origin of the Jolie family

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Marriages of the Jolie family

Our database contains 74 marriages of the Jolie family

Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.

1800 Saint-Roch-De-L'achigan, Qc

1860 Saint-Felix-De-Valois, Qc

1860 Saint-Felix-De-Valois, Qc

1860 Saint-Felix-De-Valois, Qc

1861 Saint-Felix-De-Valois, Qc

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Marriages of the Jolie family

Our database contains 74 marriages of the Jolie family

Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.

Year Husband Wife Municipality
1778 Jean-Baptiste Picotte M.-Josette Jolie L'assomption, Qc
1800 Abraham Dugas M.-Amable Jolie Saint-Roch-De-L'achigan, Qc
1816 Basile Arnois Therese Jolie Saint-Paul, Qc
1824 Maxime Robitaille Julie Jolie Berthierville, Qc
1826 Thomas Geoffroy Archange Jolie Sainte-Elisabeth, Qc
1832 Louis-Gonzague Jolie Desanges St-Arnault Saint-Joseph-De-Lanoraie, Qc
1846 Pierre Robillard Adelaide Jolie Saint-Cuthbert, Qc
1852 Theophile Belleville-Guernon Rosalie Jolie Saint-Jacques, Qc
1860 Maxime Levesque Rose Jolie Saint-Felix-De-Valois, Qc
1860 Maxime Aubin Elise Jolie Saint-Felix-De-Valois, Qc
1860 Alexis Jolie Rose Robillard Saint-Felix-De-Valois, Qc
1861 Louis Dauphin Esther Jolie Saint-Felix-De-Valois, Qc
1862 Isaie Aure-Guerard Esther Jolie Saint-Felix-De-Valois, Qc
1872 Joseph Jolie Malvina Boulet Quebec, Qc
1880 Abraham Turgeon Malonia Jolie Somersworth, Nh
1884 Julien Mousseau Azelie Jolie Lakeshore, On
1886 Amable-Basile Jollie Exilda Gamelin Jaffrey, Nh
1887 Francois Jolie Olive Boult Montebello, Qc
1887 Edouard Guitard Elizabeth Jolie Montebello, Qc
1908 Joseph St-Denis Laura Jolie Buckingham, Qc

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In addition to marriages we have 58 other documents for the Jolie family

Pioneers of the Jolie family

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Origin of last name Jolie

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Famous personalities of the Jolie family

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1 888 868-0005

P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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1 888 868-0005

P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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